2011年7月9日 星期六

Google Reader 快捷鍵

j/kitem down/upselects the next/previous item in the list
space/shift-spacepage down/upmoves the page down/up
n/pscan down/upin list view, selects the next item without opening it
oopen/close itemin list view, expands or collapses the selected item
enteropen/close itemin list view, expands or collapses the selected item
stoggle starstars the selected item
shift+stoggle shareshares the selected item
mmark as read/unreadswitches the read state of the selected item
ttag an itemopens the tagging field for the selected item
vview originalopens the original source for this article in a new window
shift+amark all as readmarks all items in the current view as read
1expanded viewdisplays the subscription as expanded items
2list viewdisplays the subscription as a list of headlines
rrefreshrefreshes the unread counts in the navigation
shift+n/pnavigation down/upselects the next/previous subscription or folder in the navigation
shift+xnavigation expand/collapseexpand or collapse a folder selected in the navigation
shift+onavigation open subscriptionopens the item currently selected in the navigation
g+hgo to homegoes to the Google Reader homepage
g+ago to all itemsgoes to the "All items" view
g+sgo to starred itemsgoes to the "Starred items" view
g+tgo to tagallows you to navigate to a tag by entering the tag name
g+ugo to subscriptionallows you to navigate to a subscription by entering the subscription name
utoggle full screen modehides and shows the list of subscriptions
?keyboard shortcuts helpdisplays a quick guide to all of Reader's shortcuts

